Hello from Cincinnati! (Not all of my business travels are to exotic places, sadly.) I have spent most of the weekend locked in a small conference room without any time to read or any time to myself, really, and I will be glad to get on the road home. Cincinnati is pretty close, so I drove down and I am on Disk 6 of Olive Kitteridge
and I am really enjoying it. After this week, I will be looking forward to being all alone in my rental car, just me and my book.
Monday: I wish I could tell you about the books that have come in, but I’m not at home! That will have to wait for next week. But I have been thinking about how I choose books for trips — maybe I’ll have a chance to write a little about that.
Tuesday: No matter what, I will have a Teaser for you.
Wednesday: I hope to have some new words for you and I might even have a bonus book review!
Thursday: Be sure to check for my review of Trail of the Spellmans by Lisa Lutz.
Friday: Friday I have a special guest post from Joanne DeMaio, author of Whole Latte Life. (Right now, it’s 99 cents at the Kindle store! You can have it read before her guest post!)
Saturday: I will be spending Saturday with a dear friend of mine, in town on business of his own from Canada, and you know there will be Snapshots!
Sunday: Even a blogger has to rest some day.
I’m looking forward to a great week!