Book Review

The White Mary by Kira Salak

I have always been a fan of travel and adventure books, both fiction and non-fiction, which is what drew me to Kira Salak’s book, The White Mary. Although the book is a work of fiction, she drew on her long experience as a travel journalist to present a story full of detail and vibrant description. It is immediately apparent that… Read more

Abbeville by Jack Fuller

How do you go on when you have lost everything? That’s the question at the heart of Abbeville. George Bailey has lost everything in the dot-com bust. His office, which once bustled with activity and the smell of money, is now deserted. He may lose his home and he has to pull his son out of private school. How can… Read more

Books and travels…

I will be posting from Amsterdam for the next 2 weeks while I am away on business. My internet access will be limited, but I hope to post some reviews very soon. I finished The Aviary Gate on Saturday, before leaving on my trip. Due to a long lay-over and an 8 hour flight delay, I finished two books on… Read more

Creepers by David Morrell

I have a certain fascination with old buildings, run-down hotels, abandoned factories. There are dozens of websites that show me I am not alone in this. (Check out Opacity: Urban Ruins for some fabulous photos.) So the idea of infiltrating a famous old hotel, closed up since the 1960’s, was really intriguing. Sadly, the book just didn’t live up to… Read more