Teaser Tuesdays!

Okay, time for another exciting episode of Teaser Tuesdays! You know the rules, grab a book, let it fall open, pick out two interesting sentences and post them here. No spoilers, but be sure to tell us what the book is, so we can go track it down.

This week, I have been going through my massive To-Be-Read pile and trying to put them in some sort of order. Of course, the books from Library Thing’s Early Reviewer Program are always right on top, and as I was paging through my next ER book, Throw Out Fifty Things, I came across this. I think it’s a great idea, and while I don’t have an extra bike, I would encourage you to look them up if you do:

“There’s a group in Washington called Bicycles for the World that collects bikes and sends them to people in developing nations who could become more productive with better transportation. They’ve sent thousands of bikes to places like Barbados, Costa Rica, the Gambia, Guatemala, Honduras, Namibia and Panama.”