New to my library!

I have picked up some great new books lately!  Some I bought, some were ARCs and one is an audiobook I picked up at the library for my drive to Michigan.  Here’s  a preview of what you may be seeing here over the next few weeks…

Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin: In medieval Cambridge, four children have been murdered. The Catholic townsfolk blame their Jewish neighbors, who are placed under the protection of King Henry II. Believing a scientific investigation will help catch the true killer, Henry calls on his cousin, the King of Sicily, and asks for his finest “master of the art of death,” the earliest form of medical examiner. But in this case, the master turns out to be a mistress.

Next, The Book of Matthew: A Macabre Novel of Suspense by Thomas White. A series of frightening murders plagues San Francisco. (Are you sensing a theme here?) To solve the crimes, Homicide Inspector Clemson Yao enlists the help of Angie Strachan, a realtor who once tried – and failed – to become the city’s first female homicide inspector. The two face off against a ghoulish, black-humored serial killer who whimsically refers to his grotesque murders as “messies.”

On the recommendation of my buddy, Beast, I picked up John Dies @ the End by David Wong. According to the book jacket:

You should not have touched this book with your bare hands.
NO, don’t put it down. It’s too late.
They’re watching you.

Who could resist that?!?  I am planning to take this one on the road with me.

While I was in Minneapolis, I picked up two Robert Crais novels. The newest one, The First Rule (oooh! It’s an autographed copy!) and L.A. Requiem.

I also picked up The Court of the Air by Stephen Hunt. I recall seeing reviews for this a while back and being very interested. Murdered orphans, thieves, spies, outlaws and the mysterious Court of the Air. It’s about 600 pages, so it may take a while, but I am looking forward to it.

Those ought to keep me busy! There are still some ARCs (Keeping the Feast: One Couple’s Story of Love, Food, and Healing in Italy and The House of Tomorrow), plus a gigantic TBR pile that is threatening to take over my living room. Obviously, there is only one solution.

Buy more bookshelves.