This month’s Top Spot

This is a new feature from my Skype Sisters! These are some great gals I met at the a conference for authors and reviewers, and we have been chatting on Skype ever since.

Top Spot is a new monthly blog meme hosted by the Skype Sisters. Every month we will get together to share our favorite read from that month and we would love for you join us! This meme will take place over the last weekend of every month, giving us all a chance to gush over the great reads we’ve encountered and bring an awesome ending to the current month. The Top Spot book can be anything you’ve read, whether it’s old or new, an ARC or a finished copy. All August reads count!

My top spot this month is a terrific book called The Map of Time. It’s hard to describe because almost everything I want to tell you about the book gives away a plot twist! The book begins in Victorian England with a murder and an attempted suicide. Fate, in the form of H.G. Wells and his new novel, The Time Machine, intervenes. From there, well, we’re talking about time travel. Anything could happen! It’s a terrific book and kept me completely enchanted for 600 pages. That takes a lot of doing! Look for my review next Thursday.

So come on over to Skype Sisters and tell us: which August read grabbed your Top Spot?