This week, I’m going to talk about some books I bought for myself. I don’t do that very often, because the authors and publishers I deal with are so generous that what I really need to buy are bigger bookshelves. Still, now and then I come across a book that I really, really want. And it joins the Permanent Collection.
First, a book I have had on my Wish List for a while. I love to knit, but I never really worked with anyone to finish a project. I’ve got a lot of half-finished sweaters and other projects that never really came together. I picked up Finishing School: A Master Class for Knitters
because it promises to go over gauge and blocking, how to sew the seams of a sweater and all the best methods for increasing and decreasing and binding off. This looks like it will be just what I need!
Second on the list was a cookbook from Top Chef Fan Favorite, Carla Hall. Cooking with Love: Comfort Food that Hugs You
promises to be a terrific cookbook. Just browsing through it when I got it home, I’ve got 3 or 4 recipes I want to try right away — or, as soon as my sinuses are back to normal. The Silky Carrot Soup sounds divine and it would be perfect for a cold and dreary weekend. I always loved Carla on the show and thought I would very much like to hang out in her kitchen.
Last on the list is a book I bought to go along with a book I’ll be reviewing. Mitchell Zuckoff writes terrific real-life adventures and I picked up one from the catalog, Lost in Shangri-La: A True Story of Survival, Adventure, and the Most Incredible Rescue Mission of World War II
. It’s the true story of a plane crash in the New Guinea valley of Shangri-La and the harrowing journey the survivors had to face. I don’t know when I’ll have time to put it on the calendar, but someday — someday! — I’ll get the chance to read it. And now that I broke down and bought it, it will be on the shelf when I’m ready. In the meantime, I expect to review his latest, Frozen in Time: An Epic Story of Survival and a Modern Quest for Lost Heroes of World War II
, next month.
Finally, I got a belated Christmas present last week from my cousin, Ann. The Very Hungry Zombiewas great fun to read aloud over a glass of wine. Short and sweet and just a bit grisly, it’s perfect for me.