Wondrous Words Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday!  We made it halfway through another week.  I had some good words for you today, but I realized this morning that I mailed my most recent book, The Transformation of Bartholomew Fortuno off to a friend without making note of the words!  So annoying.  There is one word in my current read, The Bucolic Plague that I can share, but I’m a little disappointed in myself.

1. Chalybeate: Chalybeate waters, also known as ferruginous waters, are mineral spring waters containing salts of iron.

“Native Americans were lured here by the healing qualities of the sulphur, magnesia and chalybeate springs.”

So that’s it for today.  Not much of a haul, but it is definitely a new word for me, albeit not one I’ll be able to work into casual conversation.

What about you?  What new words did YOU learn this week?