
The infamous TBR pile…

Take Your Child to a Bookstore Saturday, December 6th
Saturday, December 6th is the fifth annual Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day. What a great idea! I loved libraries and bookstores as a kid, and I think that most kids do — what a treasure trove of cool stuff! All the colors, all the books, all the related toys and games, the pens and stickers and all the… Read more

And finally…
I know I haven’t been around here much lately. I’ve been busy! Lots going on and the holiday and NaNoWriMo – but now, I’ve got one less excuse. Go me! I know that I haven’t been around here much lately — lots going on and the holidays and NaNoWriMo. Now, I’ve got one… Read more

Happy Thanksgiving!

“I can feel infinitely alive curled up on the sofa reading a book.” – Benedict Cumberbatch, British actor and booklover Oh, and how I wouldn’t like to be curled up with him! Read more

It’s NaNoWriMo time again…
Okay folks, I’m committed! (And I might need to be committed by the end of this.) It’s just barely past midnight, but I’ve already got my first 100 words written for NaNoWriMo. This year, I am tackling an idea I’ve had floating around in my head for a long time. It’s not quite as ambitious as other years, which means… Read more

Reading is good for you!
We all know that, right? There’s a lot of research to support the idea – it lifts your mood, reduces stress, it may prevent Alzheimer’s, it improves your concentration – so I was really interested in this article from Arts.mic: Science has great news for people who read books. Apparently, reading a print book is better for your brain than… Read more

In the mood for a little romance?
I found this list very interesting: 50 Romantic Books for People Who Hate Romance Novels. I agree with the author: sometimes you want a little romance. Sometimes, some people even want a romance novel. The formula and knowing your expectations will be met can be very soothing and relaxing. But what about when you want some romance mixed with your… Read more

Sad news for World Book Night
I am sad to report that World Book Night US has suspended operations: “The expenses of running World Book Night U.S., even given the significant financial and time commitment from publishers, writers, booksellers, librarians, printers, distributors, and shippers, are too high to sustain without additional outside funding,” [executive director Carl] Lennertz wrote. If you follow here, you might remember… Read more