Tuesday Thingers

Do you have any unique books in your library- books only you have on LT? How many? Did you find cataloging information on your unique books, or did you hand-enter them? Do they fall into a particular category or categories, or are they a mix of different things? Have you ever looked at the “You and none other” feature on your statistics page, which shows books owned by only you and one other user?

Interesting…very interesting. According to the “You and None Other” feature, I own 2 books that I share with only one other LTer. Those are The Greatest Mysteries of All Time, a collection of short stories, and I Know What the Night Knows by Ed Gorman, also a mystery. Both are audiobooks.

I have a fairly large number of books that I share with fewer than 10 other readers and they fall into 2 clear categories: erotic novels and cookbooks. From the looks of things, there are 5 other people who get the yearly Better Homes and Gardens cookbook every Christmas; our moms probably shop in the same places. I would hazard a guess that there are a lot more people who own books in both categories but simply don’t have them in the system.

From the looks of my library, I have two books that have no social data at all. One is an erotic novel; no surprise there. The other is a biography called Returning Frankie’s Rocks: How a Son’s Journey into the Heart of Compulsive Collecting Led Him Back to His Mother by Dana Horing. That seems really surprising to me, and I’m going to have to do a little investigating to see if I have selected some odd edition of the book, which leaves me all alone with this one.

This has been a great question and it has led me to my next big project on LibraryThing! Looking through my library, I own a lot of books that I have read, but for which there isn’t a single review. I think it’s time to start putting some notes up there on these books.

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