Happy Wednesday — it’s time for some new words! You know how this works – share a few words from your current book that you had to look up, then head over to Bermuda Onion’s Weblog to learn some new ones.
This week, my words are from Bleed for Me by Michael Robotham. Great book — keep your eyes open for my review — and some cool slang terms to share.
1. Bovver – Cockney term for bother boy; a skinhead or other thuggish anti-social type. Comes from a type of heavy boot favored by British teenagers.
“The other defendants look like thugs and bovver boys, grinning at each other and guffawing.”
2. Weir – A low dam built across a river to raise the level of water upstream or regulate its flow.
“The weir is downstream, turning brown water into foam.”
3. Baize – A coarse, feltlike, woolen material that is typically green, used for covering billiard and card tables.
“The baize tables are upstairs and I can hear balls being racked up and broken.”
So there you have it – my new words for the week. What new words did YOU learn?
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