Well, If you’ve scrolled down the sidebars here lately, you may have already figured out what my new November project is: I’m participating in this year’s National Novel Writer’s Month! I don’t think you’ll be ordering any of my work from Amazon any time soon, but I have been writing for years and this year, I am making it official.
I write the way I sing — because I love doing it, not necessarily because anyone wants to listen. But I simply feel better when I write. So I’ll give this a whirl — you can watch my progress in the widget on my right hand sidebar.
In New Book news, I just got one book last week, but it was a hot one! Hot Ticket: Sinners on Tour
by Olivia Cunning is almost certain to end up as one of my upcoming Hot Reads:
Fourth in Olivia Cunning’s hard-rockin’ erotic romance series, Hot Ticket delves into the oh-so-skilled sensuality of Sinners’ enigmatic bass guitarist, Jace Seymour.
When Jace walked through the doors of Aggie’s dungeon, the last thing he expected was to find self-forgiveness and the love of a remarkable woman. But when a terrible accident sidelines Jace during the band’s tour, the burdensome chains of his past wrap ferociously around his heart. Determined to crack through Jace’s armored shell, Aggie must go beyond her usual methods to mend his heart to love again.
The cover is hot and the rest of the series sounds very readable. Can’t wait to get this one started!