

This is an interesting bit of a quote, and one I agree with wholeheartedly: Never judge a book by its movie. J. W. Eagan I do hate it when they take a great book and turn it into an awful movie. They’ve done it to any number of Stephen King’s horror novels (say what you will about King, he can… Read more


Today’s Quotable compares books and television.  The fact is, I love them both – there are some great things on TV. But a TV show will never give you the same internal life that a book will. It’s all spelled out for you, it all happens in your eyes and ears; not enough happens in your head. Like a movie… Read more


I’m always curious about people who love a book I hate, and vice versa. What do they see that I didn’t? Why did something speak to them when it didn’t even whisper to me? I think this quote, from Angela Carter, prolific English novelist and journalist, might explain some of it: “Reading a book is like re-writing it for yourself.… Read more


Over time, I have come across some great quotes about books, about the English language, and about words; in fact, my website is named after a favorite quote about books. So what I’ve decided to do is share with you some of my favorites, along with anything I can find about their origins. The perfect first Quotable is the one… Read more