Short Stories

Review: The Dark End of the Street, edited by Jonathan Santlofer and S. J. Rozan

The premise behind The Dark End of the Street is simple: When we proposed this book to writers from both banks of the stream dividing crime writing and literary writing, we thought we had a particularly alluring idea.  Write your heart out on the twin subjects of sex and crime.  Define each however you want, take any approach you like.… Read more

Review: Down to a Sunless Sea by Mathias B. Freese

According to his bio, “Mathias B. Freese brings the weight of his twenty-five years of experience as a clinical social worker and psychotherapist into play as he demonstrates a vivid understand of – and compassion toward – the deviant and the damaged.” I’ve read since that he wrote about half of these stories before he began his career, but the… Read more

Review: Arsenic Soup for Lovers: When Chicken Soup Won’t Work by Georgia Z. Post

When Georgia Post says short stories, she means it. None of the 25 stories in this volume are more than about 2 pages long. They are all on the same theme: marriage or the lack thereof. There are wives who want to hang on to their husbands, husbands cheating on their wives, widows who want desperately to be remarried and… Read more

One More Year by Sana Krasikov

This is the second book of short stories I have reviewed recently, and certainly the one I enjoyed the most. This is Sana Krasikov’s first effort, and while it has its problems, it is a very promising beginning. Krasikov is a Russian writer and this collection of short stories is all about immigrants and their families and struggles. Some are… Read more