Teaser Tuesday!

Is it Tuesday again already?  I can’t believe the week has flown by so quickly.  This week I’ve got a new mystery — one I have been waiting to get to for some time — that I am very excited about.  I’m reading Storm Prey by John Sanford – his 20th Prey novel! I’ve read almost all of them and I think I need to go back and fill in the blanks.

Now, you know the rules: open your current read, choose two teaser sentences for us. No Spoilers, Please! And don’t forget to tell us the title and author, so we can add it to our TBR lists. Here’s today’s teaser from some calculating criminals:

“We don’t hurt anyone,” the tall man said. The sentiment reflected not compassion, but calculation: robbery got X amount of attention, injuries got X-cubed.”

What’s teasing YOU this week?