New books!

I’ve had good luck with new books lately!  I got a big stack of new books for Christmas off of my Amazon Wish List (no one listens when I say “don’t buy me books” – not that it matters because I love the books anyway).  I’ve gotten 2 packages of books from Harper-Collins and I have no idea why.  These are definitely not books that I requested and they don’t really have anything in common; it’s more like someone is cleaning off the promo shelf.  Still, a couple of promising candidates.

These are a couple that I did request and I can’t wait to read them and share them with you:

A Tiger in the Kitchen: A Memoir of Food and Family by Cheryl Lu-Lien Tan.  I would have requested this one just for the recipes for authentic Singapore dishes, but a memoir about cooking with your family?  How could I resist that!  I plan to read the book and make the Pineapple Tarts and the Braised Duck.  Yum!

When the Thrill Is Gone by Walter Mosley is another Leonid McGill novel.  I read The Long Fall, the first in the series, back in 2009, and it was pretty terrific. Another detective on my long list of detectives, but one with a convoluted personal life and a shady reputation. This one came to me through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program, and I can’t wait to read it.

The Sweet Relief of Missing Children by Sarah Braunstein is another Early Reviewer book.  The title is so creepy!  NOt surprisingly, a story about missing children.

My goal this year is to spend my time reading books that really excite me, so check back soon for these reviews!