First, thanks to the kind folks who inquired about my whereabouts. December was very, very busy for me — work, family, lots of travel, some personal stuff — and I just found that I wasn’t able to keep up. January brought the realization that I wasn’t having much fun on the website lately. I found myself reading furiously, trying to finish something in time for a review, and I wasn’t enjoying my reading anymore. Nothing is ever going to stand between me and my love of books, so I took a little breather. I’m going to work hard at making regular posts here, reading more of the books I want to read. I am not going to feel guilty about not reading books I receive unsolicited and I am going to be a lot more careful about the books I do request. I expect that will make a big difference in the fun I have writing the reviews and the fun you have reading them.
Thanks for your patience and thanks for coming back. I expect my first new review up on Thursday.
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