Teaser Tuesday!

It’s Tuesday and time for another Teaser! You know the rules: open your current read, pick 2 teaser sentences to share with us (no spoilers!) and don’t forget to tell us a bit about the book, so we can add it to our shelves.

I’m reading The Map of Time by Felix J. Palma this week and so far it is proving very interesting, indeed. It’s a book of time travel, murders, mystery and romance – what more does a book need, really? There are so many good teasers here, but I wanted something that would give you the flavor of the book and of the way the narrator occasionally pops in with a little comment:

“Yes, I know that when I began this tale I promised there would be a fabulous time machine, and there will be, there will be intrepid explorers and fierce native tribes — a must in any adventure story. But all in good time; isn’t it necessary at the start of any game to place all the pieces on their respective squares first?”

Of course! You must lay out the chess pieces before you get to the fabulous time machine! Perfectly logical.

What’s teasing YOU this week?