
99 Book Nerd Problems

A friend passed this link along to me from the Barnes and Noble Blog: 99 Book Nerd Problems This is great fun and obviously written by some folks who really love books – who love books the way I love books. The kind of people who aren’t surprised that I take a dozen books on vacation, just so I can… Read more

Help an author choose a title!

Virginia King has written the first book of a new mystery series. Now it needs a title to grab attention! Vote for your favourite title using the link below. The five best responses will win all the books in the series. Entries close April 30. The book will be published with the most popular title on Amazon in May. Vote… Read more

This week…

I’m a little late, but it’s still Monday! Here’s what’s coming up on the site this week: Monday: My weekly preview, plus a special sneak preview for tomorrow’s post! Tuesday: Teaser Tuesday PLUS! A special review – this is hitting the stores tomorrow and I thought it was a lot of fun. Wednesday: Nanette has finished up The Clock of Life by… Read more

This week…

Here’s what’s coming up on the site this week: Monday: My weekly preview, plus an update on some new books that I’ve added to the library. Tuesday: Teaser Tuesday – a great teaser from one of my new books! Wednesday: A review from Nanette, my new reviewing buddy. She’s going to help we wade through the piles of e-book requests that come in.… Read more

I’m back!

First, I want to say thank you to the nice folks who emailed to check up on me. I know I haven’t been posting much, but Real Life has been kicking my butt lately. Work, family and travel have really kept me jumping, and sometimes those things have to come first. Still, it’s time to get myself back on track… Read more