Library Thing

Tuesday Thingers: The Series

Today’s Tuesday Thingers question from The Boston Bibliophile: Today’s question: Series. Do you collect any series? Do you read series books? Fantasy? Mystery? Science fiction? Religious? Other genre? Do you use the series feature in LT to help you find new books or figure out what you might be missing from a series? Yes! I have all of the Nero… Read more

Tuesday Thingers: Early Reviewers

From The Boston Bibliophile: Today’s question: Early Reviewers- do you participate? How many books (approximately) have you received through the program? Have you liked them generally? What’s your favorite ER book? Do you participate in the discussion group on LT? Yes! Early Reviewers is one of my favorite things about LT! The books I’ve received have been a mixed bag… Read more

Tuesday Thingers!

From The Boston Bibliophile: For this week’s Tuesday Thingers, I’ve copied the list of the most-challenged books of the 1990s straight from the ALA website. I’ve highlighted the ones I’ve read. Highlight what you’ve read, and italicize what you have in your LT library. 1. Scary Stories (Series) by Alvin Schwartz2. Daddy’s Roommate by Michael Willhoite3. I Know Why the… Read more

Tuesday Thingers

Today’s Question: Favorite Authors. Who do you have named in your LT account as favorite authors? Why did you choose them? How many people share your choices? Can you share a picture of one of them? I haven’t really paid much attention to this feature. I listed a few authors way back when and added one more recently, when I… Read more

Tuesday Thingers!

Today’s Question: Have you ever added a quote to the quotation field in common knowledge? What’s a quote you particularly like from a book, one that you know by heart? Actually, I have! Just yesterday. I also participate in a weekly meme called Teaser Tuesdays, and I added some of the quotes I have used as teasers to Common Knowledge.… Read more

Tuesday Thingers

Today’s question: Awards. Do you follow any particular book awards? Do you ever choose books based on awards? What award-winning books do you have? (Off the top of your head only- no need to look this up- it would take all day!) What’s your favorite award-winning book? Wow, this is an easy one – None! I’ve never paid much attention… Read more

Tuesday Thingers!

Today’s question from The Boston Bibliophile: Members who have your books. Do you ever look at this feature? Do you use it to make LT friends, or compare notes? There are three tabs- weighted, raw, and recent. “Weighted,” which means “weighted by book obscurity and library size” is probably the least self-explanatory of the three, whereas “raw” and “recent” are… Read more

Tuesday Thingers

Today’s question from The Boston Bibliophile: Who are your LibraryThing authors? What books of theirs do you have? Do you ever comment on an author’s LT page? Have you received any comments from an author on your LT account? Wow, I have quite a few authors on my list! They are: Susie BrightDavid EbershoffJ.F. EnglertJoe HillEmmett JamesRichard MontanariPenelope PrzekopCaroline Comfort… Read more

Tuesday Thingers

From The Boston Bibliophile: do you have friends in real life that you met through LibraryThing? Have you attended any LT meet-ups in your area? Would you be open to attending meet-ups or is LT strictly an online thing for you? I have made some of my very best friends in the world on-line. I was maid of honor in… Read more