
This week…

Okay, time for a little taste of what you’ll get this week on Alive on the Shelves!   Monday: Some great new books came in while I was out of town, so you’ll get a chance to peek in my mailbox. Tuesday: I’ve got a teaser from my current book, A Train in Winter: An Extraordinary Story of Women, Friendship,… Read more

This week…

How can it be Monday already! I’m on the road and worked all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday, so it still seems like last week. But even on the road, the site must go on! This week, I’ve got the usual full plate of stuff for you: Monday: just my recap so far. Tuesday: I’ve got a… Read more


Hey folks, Monday again and time for a little pre-cap of what you can expect to see this week. I’ve really started to enjoy doing these posts — they keep me honest as we go through the week. Monday: my pre-cap and the end of my Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy giveaway. Tuesday: Teaser Tuesday and an interesting bit from my current… Read more

This week…

Okay, this week got off to a slow start — this is my last day off and I have really enjoyed this vacation. I didn’t get as much reading done as I would like, but then, when do I ever? Tuesday: a Teaser from one of my current books. I haven’t decided which one just yet. Wednesday: Wondrous Words Wednesday,… Read more

This week…

This is going to be a rather quiet week around the site. Monday: I’m spending today with a distant friend, catching up, having cocktails and perhaps taking in a movie. Thank heavens the weather is clear and it should be an easy drive. Tuesday: my Teaser is from the book I just finished, A Bitter Truth by Charles Todd. Check… Read more

An early birthday present!

Oh, an early birthday present arrived for me in the mail! A while back, I read and reviewed the first 2 books in Guillermo del Toro’s vampire trilogy: The Strain and The Fall. Today, I got the third book, The Night Eternal in the mail! I had to wait until I was done with work for the day, but I… Read more

An Auction Worth Bidding On

I must admit that I am not familiar with John Scalzi. I haven’t read any of his books. But since reading this, I have already put them on my wish list:  Auction of rare special edition to benefit Bradford, Ohio library. It makes me wish I had extra cash to bid — like $50,000 to bid: $50,000: I will travel… Read more

A new personal best

I read a lot (as you might have guessed) but I don’t usually read very fast. I’m usually forced to shoehorn some reading time in around work and housework, family time and other stuff. So this past week, while I was traveling for work, I think I set a new personal record: 6 books in 6 days. I packed a… Read more