Book Review

Review: Starers by Nathan Robinson

This one is from my personal library, recommended by someone on my Bookapalooza thread, and let me tell you: Starers by Nathan Robinson is one seriously creepy book! A little horror, a little family drama, maybe a little religion – and a lot of creepy suspense. This was a great one-sitting read. Dylan Keene is heading home from a night at… Read more

Review: Vintage by Susan Gloss

I don’t generally review a lot of women’s lit, but the story behind Vintage  by Susan Gloss really spoke to me. I love the idea that items in a thrift store all have stories behind them! Someone wore the dress you’re trying on, the shoes, the wedding gown; someone sat at the table or read the books. Were those happy times?… Read more

Review: Game by Anders de la Motte

Have you noticed that everything is a trilogy these days? I always thought that the way things worked was that you published a book and if it did well, maybe your publisher wanted another. Maybe you could turn it into a series. That seems passé these days – now, everything is a series right out of the box. That’s not always a… Read more

Christine’s Review: Paris Letters by Janice McLeod

I hope you tweeted your special travel photo in the Paris Letters photo contest. If you haven’t, you’ve still got time and to inspire you, today we’ve got Christine’s review of Paris Letters:   Ah, Paris.  While memoirist Janice MacLeod is a seasoned traveler, she’s still enchanted by The City of Light.  Paris Letters is her love affair documented through pen and… Read more