Book Review

Teaser Tuesday!

Good morning and Happy Tuesday!  With travel and vacation, I’ve missed this meme recently, but I am glad to be back. Now, you know the rules: open your current read, pick 2 teaser sentences to share and don’t spoil the story!   But do make sure you tell us a bit about the book. This morning, my teaser is from… Read more

Review: Web of Deceit by Darlene Cox

Peter Brock is young, handsome and ambitious.  He is also a man with a plan — The Plan, actually.  He cultivates the friendship of a wealthy businessman, James Campbell, who wants to cut down on the taxes he pays Uncle Sam.  To do this, Peter and James devise a way to transfer profits to secret accounts.  James doesn’t know that… Read more

Review: 212 by Alafair Burke

I really, really hate the phrase “ripped from the headlines.”  It ought to be on one of those lists of cliches than can never ever be used again in print.  But open a newspaper or click on a news website and you are likely to see a story similar to Megan Gunther’s situation in 212: A Novel by Alafair Burke.… Read more

Friday Puzzler!

I’m not quite sure what inspired this puzzler, but today it’s all about couples – literary couples, historical couples, film couples. Enjoy! (And if you need more help, there are some hints in the comments…) If you see this, you’ll need to upgrade your browser. Click here to play the crossword outside of the blog. Read more